Sunday, January 6, 2013

Apple- the world's most valuable company

I want to wish all you out there a Happy New Year. I hope 2013 brings you peace and prosperity. There is a reason why I based my first post on Apple. I know it really belongs on my other blog, but it brought me such good gains in 2012 when I started investing in it in January 2012 that I have made it my good luck charm going into the New Year. Yeah! I am a little superstitious.
Working on my brand new iPad 4!
As you can see, I love Apple products and Apple stock of course, but the two shouldn't necessarily go together. Always have a stock trader hat and a lover of products hat when looking at something as hyped up by Wall Street as Apple.
I am not going to jump into some hardcore fundamental analysis here, but simply lay the foundation for a more detailed stock analysis of the world's most valuable company. 

On Apple versus Google
There is a war going on in Silicon Valley and this was excellently characterized in Steve Jobs speech where he was mad at Google. But I am sorry to say that I find Google to be a more valuable company for investors. 
Apple's problems lies in its short product life cycle and escalating R&D costs. Whereas, Google has the edge in the mobile industry with it being the market share leader, although Apple is the profit leader (that's what counts for stock investors, anyway). Nonetheless, Google is the cornerstone of the Internet that is going to translate to a lot more dollars for the Search giant.

I have big plans for 2013 after 2012 was my best year yet! There's going to be a lot of changes around here and I've been working on how to make my blog truly world class. For a moment, I suppose you thought I was going to do a Thelma & Louise. Nah! Good things take time.